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What Objective Did I Struggle With In Class?

I would say I struggled the most with not being in class for some assignments and using the same software as we did before. Also having to use a laptop made it slightly more difficult to draw on a program but I did get better with it as time went on. I also struggled with handing assignments in on time because I have a lot going on around me currently with college, work, and friends and family. I was stressed out a lot and pushed aside some assignments but I made it and its now time to graduate. 

What Makes My Artwork Successful? 

I would say that I absolutely have some artwork that needs a little help. But I would also say when there is an assignment that i'm intrigued in and passionate about, that I do a pretty good job on those. When the topic interests me I automatically have ideas that give me a structure to work with and can imagine in my mind and make come to life. 

My Favorite Assignment From This Year...

I would say my favorite project from this year was the Modern Coat Of Arms. I enjoyed creating this because I knew what aspects had to be included but got to make them represent me in the way I wanted. I enjoyed picking things I love and feel as though they represent a part of me and who I am today was really excited to see come together as one. 

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